Let’s Resin : Get started making uv resin crafts
Find out some basics on what you need to get started making UV resin products.
Firstly, let’s talk about what are good uses for UV resin. This kind of resin will work well for small, thin and translucent projects
UV resin items can warp in hot conditions or become sticky/cloudy in wet conditions so take this into consideration before deciding on a project to make. Will it be stored in a warm, sunny spot or around heat? Will it have frequent exposure to moisture or the elements. These aren’t great environments for UV resin products. Buying 1000g of UV resin is a good starting point allowing for several projects and saving a bit of money over time. Just make sure you secure the lid each time you are done.
UV FLASH LIGHT - Invest in a UV flash light as this will work well for all size projects. Whether you coat a canvas with uv resin or make a button. Not only is it useful for curing UV resin it is useful for finding stains on clothing and furniture, checking documents and bank notes for authenticity and discovering leaks in the home. So even if you end up pursuing other hobbies this item could come in handy. If you already have a UV nail lamp it doesn’t hurt to get additional use out of it to cure UV resin items. Just make sure you are getting all sides long enough as it can be harder to control the angle of the nail lamp to ensure even curing.
SILICONE MAT - Invest in reusable silicone gloves, cups, tools, molds and mats will save yourself a lot of money and waste down the road. These items will last through many more uses and can be sold down the road if you decide to pursue other hobbies instead. Tarps, brown bag sheets, cardboard or newspaper can be used as well. Just know that your resin item will stick to those materials when curing and it will leave quite a mess. I would also suggest getting silicone stir sticks, silicone gloves and silicone cups at a minimum. The stir sticks can be used to mix colors and elements into the resin and remove excess resin in a mold and shape the resin. The gloves ensure you don’t get it on you hands and can be resused over and over again, the cups will allow you to get out bubbles and make a proper consistency before pouring in a mold.
MICA POWDER - Invest in Mica Powder. This can be a lot up front but a little goes a long way and you can do hundreds of projects and customizations just with this product. I have also liked using them better than alcohol inks that may be hard to see the look of the final product. It is also a very useful ingredient in many other disciplines including nails, soap, artwork, etc.. So reselling this is always an option. You may even be able to find someone locally who has excess to sell. Resin inks are another option should you want to look at other options.
RUBBING ALCOHOL IN A SPRAY BOTTLE - Make sure to wash all your tools and mat each time using rubbing alcohol. Buying rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and use a paper towel to wipe down the area will save your sink from getting clogged, your items looking good and prevent transfer of resin to other areas of your home and life. Keep it where it goes. A small scraping tool can also come in handy if you leave the resin cure too long on the matt as you can use the scraper and rubbing alcohol together to get it cleaned off almost like new.
DREMEL TOOL - Invest in a dremel tool. This has multiple uses in the resin making world. It can be used to drill a hole for adding an attachment for keychains, jewelry or other hanging product. It also comes with sanding and buffing tools to help perfect the look and feel of your final product. It also can have endless uses in your home and with other crafting projects that having a good quality model will make your life so much easier.
ADD IN ITEMS - It is also important in doing this work to think about what you could acquire for free to make your UV resin go farther. Drying flowers, plants and bark are options.. So is getting scraps from crafting projects (yarn, string, ribbon, fabric, glitter, beads, etc.. ), small broken or chipped ceramic and glass items could be repurposed into a resin project. So could little stones or sand. Send an ask to your friends, family, colleagues for these kinds of items and you may be surprised what you get.
If you just want to get started. I’ve selected a good beginner option with glitter, foil and dried flowers