Flow Writing 8/25/2024
Hello Everyone,
Firstly welcome to my website. This has been years in the making and I have wanted to make a consistent blog for a long time.
I recently listened to a book about cleaning, organizing, and upkeeping a home, and resonated with some of the things the writer shared. One thing she shared was starting a blog but feeling inferior and incapable of making a blog because she didn’t see her home and mental space as something she felt she had in order. She thought only people who have these things in order to write about organizing. Eventually she realized that the struggles and mental blockages she experienced were relatable for others who really didn’t have things all together even if they wanted to. This leads me to now where I feel that even though my artwork may not be the most exceptional or realistic perhaps I can help others on their artwork journey who feel they may not have the skill or mental health to do so.
For me, art is a tool I use for peace of mind. Creating, dreaming and getting in the flow even if I don’t have all the skills necessary yet feels freeing. We can grow up in a world of “don’t do this or that”, “should or shouldn’t” mentality. And that can feel restrictive for highly creative people who just want to try things out and play with ideas and not focus on having a specific goal in mind but rather just enjoy the time and process. I also find that so many of the clients I support who make art are much more critical of their artwork than others who look upon it. We can be the hardest on ourselves and lenient with our friends. Another book I read discusses that if we treated ourselves like a friend rather than ourselves. We might be more compassionate, more kind and give more space and time to do things in the best timing for us. We don’t need to be all things to all people and we definately don’t need to break ourselves down to get there.
These are struggles for me each day. I will have the goal of doing dishes every day. Then the work week comes and I fall behind. At first I might be a mess and blame myself for how could this happen again. You were going to do dishes every day. I’ve had to learn to have compassion for some days I just want to come home and snuggle my kitty and take a nap. And that is okay. It is okay to 4 of the 7 days this week I meet the goal. That is progress and success. Even being here today writing this blog.. This is success. Sharing my story and sharing my experiences. At this moment. I have 6 other projects where I started to feel frustrated and instead of finishing them in that state. I started to work on my website. It is still a goal and it is still valid. And the dining room and kitchen may be a mess for this break. I don’t care right now. I can get back to it in a little while. I attempt to be kind to myself if I don’t get it all done today.
Now I am focused on whether my ramblings might benefit anyone. I would like to think it can. It has helped me put on screen what it is that I am avoiding and where I need to show compassion to myself. I hope all of you out there will find your own routines, outlets and ways to keep moving forward even if in baby steps. Have a lovely day and hope you enjoy this little rant.